Padma Massage

Nurturing women and children

Helen Trehy is a skillful Massage Therapist after qualifying in Remedial, Sports and Therapeutic Massage 20 years ago. She has since worked in many different settings including Remedial Massage Clinics and Day Spas. Helen has for the last 11years operated her own business from Padma, Aromatherapy and Massage, located at Erina on the Central Coast.
Helen is passionate in helping her Clients to become more attuned to their bodies. Aiding them in alleviating physical, emotional and mental discomfort and stress, via Remedial and Holistic massage. 
Helen has always had an interest in Natural approaches to Healthcare and Wellbeing. This has led her to study and practice other Traditional Healthcare approaches, particularly Tibetan Medicine and Massage. She has also studied and enjoyed increasing her skills and services to include a Birth Support/Doula service and Infant Massage Instruction for Parents and Caregivers.

Padma Massage - Nurturing Women and Children
Remedial and Therapeutic Massage

25 Portsmouth Road, Erina, Central Coast.
0409 835 052